At ADA, we understand that modern slavery is a complex and evolving challenge that requires our proactive engagement. This statement reflects the efforts we have made to prevent, identify, and mitigate the risks of modern slavery within our business and throughout our supply chain. It also highlights the areas we have identified where we can make improvements and have an impact within our industry.

The exploitation of human beings for financial gain continues to persist in various forms and across diverse industries. ADA recognises the risks within our industry and the significance of our role in combatting Modern Slavery. This Modern Slavery Statement is our fourth under the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and sets out the actions ADA has taken to understand and mitigate our modern slavery risks during our 2022 – 2023 financial year from 1st June 2022 to 31st May 2023. It is a reflection of our dedication to addressing modern slavery risks within our operations and supply chains, as well as our commitment to fostering a society where every individual can live a life of freedom and dignity.

There has been little change to the company structure, our operations and our supply chains during this reporting period. Therefore, these sections of this statement closely resemble those from the FY 21-22 Statement, with updates to numbers and statistics as required.

In this Modern Slavery Statement, we have outlined the steps we have taken, the progress we have achieved, and our ambitions for the future. We commit to regularly reviewing and enhancing our strategies, practices, and outcomes as we continue to develop our ethical sourcing program and modern slavery framework to combat modern slavery within our supply chain.

There is still much work to be done.

➡️ Click here to view our latest Modern Slavery Statement:

Chris Dixon

CEO, Australian Defence Apparel